RadioShack #makerbusiness


A eulogy for RadioShack.

RadioShack won’t be the only store to open on Thanksgiving Day, but it might be the only one of its particular makeup to do so. This isn’t Walmart or a call center, in which volunteers who want overtime pay can be chosen first. Most RadioShack stores have just a handful of employees, most or all of whom will work Thanksgiving whether they want to or not. Retail employees have very, very little in the way of perks, of things that are understood to be sacred. Having Thanksgiving Day to themselves was one of them.

After some pushback from its employees, RadioShack gave in just a little: after originally planning to open from 8 a.m. to midnight on Thanksgiving, its stores will now close for a few hours in the middle of the day so that its folks can have a little bit of family time.

RadioShack is a company of massive real estate, and is peddling a business model that is completely unviable in 2014. It’s very likely to go extinct soon, and I doubt there’s anything its operators can do about it. In scenarios like this one, there aren’t happy stories or easy answers, and if this were any other company, I’d concede that, perhaps, opening on Thanksgiving is a regrettable but necessary stab at saving the company, employees and all.


Previous RadioShack posts here.

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