What You Built – Unique Keynote Speaker Gifts at Internet Days Created With Adafruit Components

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Rickard Dahlstrand shared about the creation of what Cory Doctorow dubbed “the bomb” conference gifts given to key note speakers at Sweden’s Internet Days event.

Unique Keynote Speaker Gifts at Internet Days Created With Adafruit Components:

….The idea was to try to create a gift in an outrageously short time that would somehow put our work with the internet in perspective. I secured ITU’s estimate of how many people are now connected to the internet. Could this be a theme? Maybe a piece where this number was constantly updated, so that all the speakers who inspired us at the Internet Days could have a memory to remind them every day of potentially how many people that are moved by their work. Wouldn’t this be the perfect gift for our keynote speakers?

Today there are almost 3 billion people connected to the internet, that’s 40% of the world’s population and a bit staggering when you think about it. I get a good feeling working with the internet every day that my job can affect so many people.

Niklas, who by now was becoming a bit stressed, gave me the go-ahead and I ordered everything I needed from Adafruit – a reliable supplier of everything maker related, and with help of DHL everything was in place just a few days later. I created the box in Illustrator and with glowing support from Carl at daBoss in Årsta, after three prototypes and round trips; I finally had a design that I thought would work….

Read More. And more about Internet Days in Sweden here.

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