Replace the EV3 Brick with a BeagleBone Black. via lego mindstormrobots
The ‘EVB’ is a replacement Brain for LEGO® MINDSTORMS EV3 set, which like the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Programmable Brick is used to control the Motors and Sensors with a BeagleBoard ‘Black’ and interface board. It is 100% LEGO® MINDSTORMS EV3 Compatible, allowing the use of the standard EV3 Software and yet is a far more powerful Processor than that of the LEGO EV3 Brick.
The following video shows the EVB driving a LEGO robot to solve Rubic’s Cube. Note that there is no EV3 used. The Building Instructions and Program used is from The EV3 Program was used as downloaded, and not undergo any modifications for it to run perfectly on the EVB.
EVB solves Rubik’s Cube now from Roboter on Vimeo.
Various variants hosts a powerful 32-bit, super-scalar ARM Cortex A8 processor operating from 720 MHz to 1 GHz. Yet, the is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. The “Bone” may be used in a wide variety of projects from school science fair projects, to senior design projects and as well as for first prototypes of very complex systems.
Novice users may access the power of the Bone through the user friendly Bonescript environment that may be operated in MS Windows, the Mac OS X, or the Linux operating systems. Seasoned users may take full advantage of the Bone’s power using the underlying Linux-based operating system, a host of feature extension boards (Capes) and a wide variety of Linux community open source libraries.
Each Tuesday is BeagleBone Black Day here Adafruit! What is the BeagleBone? The BeagleBones are a line of affordable single-board Linux computers (SBCs) created by Texas Instruments. New to the Bone? Grab one of our Adafruit BeagleBone Black Starter Packs and check out our extensive resources available on the Adafruit Learning System including a guide to setting up the Adafruit BeagleBone IO Python Library. We have a number of Bone accessories including add-on shields (called “capes”) and USB devices to help you do even more with your SBC. Need a nice display to go along with your Bone? Check out our fine selection of HDMI displays, we’ve tested all of them with the Beagle Bone Black!