Found this interesting bracelet, Durr, which will really make you aware of time over at Bits and Pieces from the Embedded Design World. It has a vibe motor which goes off every five minutes, in hopes of creating mindfulness. That way you know how long you were stuck on the expressway, or how long it took for the employee to ring up the gift card you needed. It’s a simple design and sticks to the idea of doing one thing well–making the user aware of time.
The device was created by Theo Tveterås and Lars Marcus Vedeler of Skrekkøgle and comes in some interesting finishes. Apparently it got its start as an Arduino and Makerbot prototype, which is rather exciting. Check out the video history.
This bracelet definitely has a clean minimal look and function, however, if you are a yoga or zazen fan, you know that breath is an easy way to become aware of moments, and it’s free. It keeps you from attaching to all of those thoughts in your head. So, if it’s free, why have a bracelet that shivers? Honestly, most people don’t have the discipline to carry mindfulness throughout their day. So, this band becomes the tool, insisting that you “wake up” every five minutes. I think the only down side will be whether the user develops a “phantom ring”, that annoying feeling that your phone has buzzed, when in reality you have imagined it. Of course, wouldn’t that be another mindful moment? Time is such an interesting concept. You don’t have to wait long to figure out a way to DIY your own gizmo. Here’s a vibration disc to get you started. Just add an Arduino and you’ll be buzzing in no time.
Every Wednesday is Wearable Wednesday here at Adafruit! We’re bringing you the blinkiest, most fashionable, innovative, and useful wearables from around the web and in our own original projects featuring our wearable Arduino-compatible platform, FLORA. Be sure to post up your wearables projects in the forums or send us a link and you might be featured here on Wearable Wednesday!