Great project from Instructables user sreisewitz.
Inspired by the turn signal sweater. It sounded great, except I don’t wear sweaters in summer noon heat, or on cold winter days. Enter suspenders!
I have thought of two major improvements I would like to make, which I included in the tutorial.
I had toyed with the idea of adding sound to it, but that was over-ambitious for the end of the semester.
PS, one improvement I forgot to mention in the tutorial itself was a front-visible light or sound to indicate what command was being executed, since I can’t see the lights when they are on my back, and they have proven to be fickle.
See the full tutorial here.
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NeoPixel 1/4 60 Ring – WS2812 5050 RGB LED w/ Integrated Drivers: The biggest NeoPixel Ring yet! With four of these you can make a huge ring with 60 ultra bright smart LED NeoPixels are arranged in a circle with a 6.2″ diameter. Each order comes with just the quarter ring. Four of this item are required to make a large ring. You will have to solder them together as well, so for the full ring of 60 LEDs, buy four and solder them together! Read more.
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