Combine Your Arduinos With A Raspberry Pi #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi


Combine one or more Arduinos with a Raspberry Pi. via instructables

Picture of Combine 1 or more Arduinos with a RaspberryPi
This instructable is a demonstration of the Drogon Remote Control (DRC) feature included with wiringPi.

Drogon Remote Control consists of an Arduino program that handles USB communication between the Arduino(s) and the RaspberryPi. I will be running two arduinos, with the same DRC sketch on both of them. It’s like the RaspberryPi and the Arduino(s) become one, giving you the power of both, and all the programming is done on the RaspberryPi. You can download the Arduino Sketch Here:

The RaspberryPi program in this tutorial uses the wiringPi libraries, written by Gordon Henderson, for programming the GPIO in C.

wiringPi must be installed. Instructions for download, installation and use are located at

wiringPi uses it’s own pin numbering scheme.

All RaspberryPi pin numbers are wiringPi numbers unless otherwise specified.


You will need a way to run wires from the RaspberryPi to the breadboard. You can use male/female jumper wires but one of the Pi Cobblers listed on this page from Adafruit will make it a lot easier:

For the RaspberryP circuit you will also need:

Jumper wires
2 – LEDs, I used one red and one green.
2 – 330-560 Ohm resistors, for the LEDs.
1 – Push button switch
1 – 10K resistor, pull-down resistor for switch.
Use these parts to copy the circuit in the illustration above.

Full tutorial

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