Laundry Alarm with Text Messaging Alerts using #arduino #yun

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Hiro Kobayashi/MakerBee shared a tutorial for setting up a Laundry Alarm with Text Messaging Alerts using Arduino. Here’s what Hiro had to say: “Hello. I did a fun and simple instructable on how to use an Arduino Yun and a dual-axis accelerometer to monitor your washer or dryer and send you an SMS text message when your laundry is done.”

From the Instructables post Washer Dryer Laundry Alarm using Arudino & SMS Text Messaging Alerts:

Have you ever wished there was a better way to be notified when your laundry was done? Have you ever forgotten a load in the washer because you couldn’t hear the buzzer and your clothes became smelly and moldy from sitting there for too long? Well, I have and decided to solve this problem by building this simple notification system using an Arudino microcontroller. It uses a dual-axis accelerometer to detect motion and vibration coming from the washer (or dryer) and alerts my phone via SMS text message when the machine is no longer vibrating. I tried to build the easiest system I could using parts sourced from a local store and some online tools that help simplify the process of sending these alerts. Follow along as I show you how to put together this simple but useful project….

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1 Comment

  1. Wow it’s great. thanks for sharing

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