The performance combines four different layers of visions that are merging into one visual Gesamtkunstwerk: 3D models, video scratching, live camera, and mechanical effects are likewise projected within the space.
The 3D models are animated in Open GL, whereas video scratching and live cameras run on each Raspberry Pi. Mechanical and optical effects such as fragmented projections are generated by servos and glass prisms.
“Embedded Artist” is not only projecting all over the walls, but it is filming the audience and the space likewise and re-projecting those images. Moreover, the light beam of each projector is fractionized by a prism and therefore sends broken images onto the walls. Thus the combined effects of all four layers allow for the linking together of performance and space. In doing so the performance is blurring distinctions between artist and audience, body and mind, artwork and space.
…Malte Steiner and Wolfgang Spahn are exploring the artistic potential of embedded open source systems. This platform gives the possibility to combine quite a lot of independent devices to create a more powerful system than most single computers can provide. Open Source and Open Hardware gives the possibility to access all resources of the used embedded systems, to build a network with full control at the same time.
Both artists developed a system that made it possible to control simultaneously up to 255 independent embedded platforms and keep the costs low by using the cheap mini computer Raspberry Pi. Each individual Raspberry Pi runs a python program that controls the Omxplayer, the Raspicam, Open GL objects and a Paper-Duino-Pi Board with all its analog inputs and outputs. This Python program can be controlled with the Open Sound Control protocol. All embedded systems in the network are connected via Ethernet for exchanging OSC messages.
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