Great project for beginners from Initial State.
“Hello World!” – This is likely the output of the first program you ever wrote when learning how to code. Setting up a device to stream temperature data is quickly becoming the de facto Internet of Things (IoT) “Hello World!” project. If printing “Hello World!” the first time was a long, frustrating task, you might have never written another program. Your first IoT project should only put a big ol’ smile on your face. This fun, easy project will introduce you to the wonderful world of IoT data streaming.
A video tutorial of this entire project can be found at
Here are the supplies you will need:
- An internet connected Raspberry Pi or your single-board computer of choice.
- A DS18B20 temperature sensor (
- A breadboard for wiring up a simple circuit (in the Adafruit Pi starter kit).
- A 4.7K to 10K resistor (also in the Adafruit Pi starter kit).
The DS18B20 temperature sensor works well with the Raspberry Pi because it has a digital output, and the Pi has no on-board analog to digital convertors (ADC). Raspbian includes an interface to read the output of the sensor. We just have to write a little code to grab and parse out the temperature. Adafruit has a great tutorial here (and here for the PDF version) for using the DS18B20 that we are simply going to follow and modify to stream the temperature instead of just outputting it to the screen.
The hardware setup is simple. DS18B20 red wire to 3.3V. Black wire to GND. Blue wire to a pull-up resistor and to GPIO pin 4 of your Pi.
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