3D Printed Batman Armor #3DPrinting

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Advances in 3D printing over the last five years means the service has become more accessible to a greater number of cosplayers. It will continue to impact the industry, and we’re getting treated to some detailed and involved builds along the way – like this Arkham Origins Batman armor! The costume was modeled by Stevie Dee of Crimson Coscrafts, and he teamed up with Tundra Designs for finishing and printing work. Then Gauntlet FX came into the picture for molding and casting. Dee still needs to weather the armor, but it already makes an impression. Besides being cool because it’s Batman, the costume shows how you can mix 3D printing technology with more traditional methods like molding and casting.

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Gauntlet FX offered a few details about the build. The utility belt was made from a lightweight “skinning” foam so it only weighs two pounds, and the armor was cast from silicone. He posted photos of many steps along the way so you can see how the costume went from 3D printed plastic to detailed armor pieces that are actually comfortable to wear.

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See more photos of the armor at Gauntlet FX’s Facebook page.

(via 3D Print and io9)

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