1. Easily transfer files between your BeagleBone Black and your PC
Check out this cool setup from BeagleBoard Videos on YouTube.
2. BeagleBrew: Brew beer with your BeagleBone Black!
3. HOWTO: GSM Base Station with the BeagleBone Black, Debian GNU/Linux and a USRP
4. How To Control A Servo Motor From A BeagleBone Black On Linux
5. Helpful comparison of the Arduino Uno, Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black
6. DIY gas leak detector using BeagleBone Black
7. 60 fun things you can make out of BeagleBone Black from Jason Kridner
8. BeagleBone Black used to detect dirty dishes
9. Building a wireless Android device using BeagleBone Black
10. FreedomBone: How to turn your BeagleBone Black into a personal communications server