Featured Adafruit Google+ Community Project
With temperatures dropping into the sad, solo, single-digits and the winds blustering about so wildly it’s getting hard not to take it personally, I find myself drawn towards clothing with warm comfy hoods (even more so than normal). Janell Amely shared a project this week in our Community that meets all my winter wearable wishes, with neopixels to boot! Check out her Friendship Finding E-Textile Monster Hoodie with Neopixels project here.
With thanks to all the cats, managed to finish barely before the contest closed. Vote for it on the Winter Wearables contest if you think it is awesome(till the 8th)! Figured out how to do an if/then statement with Neopixels, to keep them off unless the capacitive pads are being touched with a capacitive object (one is ground and the other is input-pullup). Code is hosted on Codebender.cc. Thanks Adafruit for all of the supplies!(read more)
Featured Community Project from the Adafruit Blog
Chris Cummings shared with us a Neopixel strip “light clock” project.
Here’s what he had to say: “I’ve just finished a working prototype of my light based alarm clock, which uses Neopixels and your DR1307 clock breakout board.”
From his project write up:
…After watching Wendy suffer repeatedly in the mornings, I’ve decided to build a prototype light based alarm clock. The idea being that (as various research / existing products indicate), waking up as a result of changes in light is much nicer than load angry noises.
The system will initially be simple. I’ll preset an MR005-001 clock breakout board (containing a DR1307 chip) to the ‘correct’ time from my PC, and use it to trigger a NeoPixel led strip.
Research as I understand it suggests that your circadian rhythm is largely dictated by ipRGC sensors in your eyes. These are especially sensitive to blue wave lengths, and not very sensitive to red; my clock will feature a red reading light (that automatically fades off after an hour), and a blue wake up light triggered at 8AM. (read more)
Check out previous Community Corner posts here!
There are people making amazing things around the world, are you one of them? Join Adafruit Community! And check out scores of projects they shared this week after the jump!
Community Corner! Sharing and celebrating the creative community: Show and tell, Ask an Engineer, mailbag, Twitter, Google+, Facebook, “Makers, hackers, artists & engineers. Sharing, learning and celebrating making!