NEW PRODUCT – Sylvia Super Awesome Project Book Add-On Pack w/ Genuine Arduino
Sylvia’s a kid who loves making, tinkering, and art projects. She’s also the star of Sylvia’s Super-Awesome Maker Show – an online series about STEM concepts with millions of views.
This pack includes everything you need to get started with Sylvia’s Awesome Project Book – Super Simple Arduino
In the book, Sylvia sets her sights on the inimitable Arduino microcontroller with fun projects, clever and easy-to-follow instructions, and whimsical graphics. It’s a great book for young makers and an incredible way to introduce makers of all ages to the wonderful world of Arduino.
Projects include an adjustable strobe and two digital musical instruments with a focus on electronics, coding, science, and engineering. And now you can follow along with all the parts you need to build all the projects!
This pack contains everything you need – including:
- Genuine Arduino Uno R3 – The inimitable, industry standard version of the Arduino microcontroller.
- Thin Plastic Speaker – Simple, lightweight, and thin!
- 10k Panel Mount Potentiometer w/ Jumper Wires soldered on – Good for a breadboard and smooth and easy to turn!
- USB Cable -Standard A-B – Standard A-B USB cable
- 9V Battery Holder w/ Switch – High quality battery holder w/ switch
- 3 x 5mm Clear White LEDs
Please note: the Sylvia Awesome Project Book is not included! (But we do have it in the shop if you don't already own a copy)