Thanks to Marty for sending in his great clock project! He writes:
This clock/day/date project is based on the Arduino MEGA 2650, using an Adafruit 32 x 32 RGB LED Panel. Displays digital day, date and time display, alarm (continuous or pulse) with adjustable snooze period, snooze limits, configurable auto Daylight Saving and Standard time adjust, and clock fine tuning/accuracy adjustment.
Extensive use is made of Adafruit’s Graphix and PanelMatrix Arduino libraries.
Some planned enhancements include: Temperature compensation adjustments to improve accuracy, auto display dim and restore based on time, ability to turn off/disable the alarm after 15 seconds, and additional sound effects (i.e. seconds tick, and hour/minute repeater sounds), and auto holiday message displays for New Years, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Because the MEGA 2560 is being used, this project allows for many more options which can be added including color customizations/selection and the ability to add other sensors and associated data displays (i.e. like temperature, barometric pressure, relative humidity, etc. or other info or time adjustments from the web).
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