A big thanks to Enrico for writing in about his pi powered art installation. Check it out here.
Enrico writes:
This is an interactive art installation presented at New
Folder festival 2014 in Italy. The installation uses a Raspberry Pi +
vibration sensors switch SW-18010P (http://www.adafruit.com/product/1766) +
custom software built in Python.
From the site:
We created a geometric structure using ribbons of red cotton and we applied vibration sensors on it. If a visitor touch one of these ribbons, the vibration sensor activates a random audio sample. The audio samples have been recorded by a script read by the actresses Valentina Papagna, Laura Forlani and Lara Romano. We have divided the samples on three different sections of the script and applied on different ribbons. The result is a generative novel that follows a specific context but in a random way.
Featured Adafruit Products!
Fast Vibration Sensor Switch (Easy to trigger): The “poor man’s” accelerometer/motion sensor! These spring-vibration switches are high sensitivity non-directional vibration induced trigger switches. Inside is a very soft spring coiled around a long metal pin. When the switch is moved, the spring touches the center pole to make contact. So, when there’s motion, the two pins will act like a closed switch. When everything is still, the switch is open. Great for basic projects and wearables!(read more)
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