Thanks so much to AlexFW for sending in the tutorial for his awesome, arduino powered sentry mount project.
Alex writes:
Hey Adafruit, I’ve been buying your stuff for a while now,
and I absolutely love the Pro Trinket. Using the Pro Trinket 5v, I built a
really cool project that I just posted to Instructables (the link), and I
thought I’d tell you about it because this is an example of a situation
where only the Pro Trinket would be suitable. It would be so cool to see you
guys mention this in the blog.
From instructables:
In this project we build a really easy, low-cost, low-complexity, high-functionality automatic targeting mount for any purpose you require. When someone or something comes near the device, it magically (not really) swivels around to face the intruder, ready to bombard them with whatever you have hooked up to the mount, be it water, nerf darts, plastic balls, or something more nefarious.
Featured Adafruit Products!
Adafruit Pro Trinket – 5V 16MHz: Trinket’s got a big sister in town – the Pro Trinket 5V! Pro Trinket combines everything you love about Trinket with the familiarity of the common core Arduino chip, the ATmega328. It’s like an Arduino Pro Mini with more pins and USB tossed in, so delicious.
Trinket’s a year old now, and while its been great to see tons of tiny projects, sometimes you just need more pins, more FLASH, and more RAM. That’s why we designed Pro Trinket, with 18 GPIO, 2 extra analog inputs, 28K of flash, and 2K of RAM. (read more)
Wow! Now I can make that dalek I’ve always wanted to have.