Improves Digital Playback, Both Audio and Video
After months of hands-on testing by dedicated audiophiles, HiFi-Tuning has created this latest version of the Disc Demagnetizer, adding a second demagnetization cycle at a different frequency. This makes the HFT Disc Demagnetizermuch more effective than other demagnetizers, yet it costs less, too!
Very Fast, Very Effective
Each demagnetizing cycle on the Disc Demagnetizer takes about 8 seconds. For best results, after the first cycle, flip the disc over and run a second cycle. You will hear greater clarity, focus and a substantially lower noise floor. On video discs, the improvement can be profound, offering stunning improvements to video playback.Demagnetize a Disc? We are frequently asked how it’s possible for an aluminum disc to magnetize. The important thing to remember is that just because a disc is nominally made from polycarbonate and aluminum, this does not mean these are the only ingredients. Inks used on the disc label and even the aluminum substrate itself may contain materials that can pick up and store a magnetic charge. This can happen as the disc is moved in and out of the case or even in the CD transport itself as the disc is spun at high speeds. The benefits of demagnetization can be heard on all discs from brand new CD’s to CD-Rs, even DVDs, Blu-Ray and other formats will benefit.
Post in the comments, you know what to do 🙂
Bedini did this in 1999 — the Bedini CD Clarifier. See, for example, http://www.bedini.com/reviews.htm or do a Google search on “Bedini CD Clarifier”
It generated interesting reviews back then.
I understand how error correcting codes such as those used on CDs and DVDs work, and how they are implemented. I don’t understand how this works.
I’m not buying one unless it rewinds the disc for you and also applies green marker to the edges.
For best results when streaming the output, make sure that your ‘directional’ Ethernet cables are oriented the right way – and be sure to check the battery on the ‘dielectric bias system’.
The best one can do is listen with open ears and an open mind.
First reaction is to laugh, then WTF….unless the laser that reads the disk is being deflected by magnetic forces, I guess the manufacturer is hopeful that there is one born every minute.