Featured Adafruit Google+ Community Project
(Note: Google+ login required.)
Sameer Ansari shared his speaker stand build this week in our community. We love the look! The laser-cut/led combo is a great way to add a personal design touch to your household items.
My rear speaker looked lonely on the floor so I laser cut a stand for it, the windows were cut by drawing out a golden ratio stencil, also put in two LEDs for some mood lighting because why not.(read more)
Featured Community Project from the Adafruit Blog
Thanks to Devon for sending in his great Arduino project in which a hacked telegraph sounder uses FONA to tap out Twitter messages! Very cool! Check out more info on his blog here.
It’s an old telegraph sounder seated in a wooden resonator. Underneath it, I’ve added a small board with electronics so that the telegraph can tap out messages from Twitter.
Electrical telegraphs were invented in the 1800s to communicate quickly across long distances. Devices were physically connected by wires between stations, and operators tapped out messages in Morse code on a small, paddle-like device called a key.(read more)
Check out previous Community Corner posts here!
There are people making amazing things around the world, are you one of them? Join Adafruit Community! And check out scores of projects they shared this week after the jump!
Community Corner! Sharing and celebrating the creative community: Show and tell, Ask an Engineer, mailbag, Twitter, Google+, Facebook, “Makers, hackers, artists & engineers. Sharing, learning and celebrating making!