Hellblade Senua Costume

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The game Hellblade is still in development from the publisher Ninja Theory, but that doesn’t stop cosplayers from creating costumes from it. There’s been a single trailer for the Celtic myth-based game, and it features Senua. She’s the protagonist. That was enough for Lilia, a.k.a. Lady Lemon Cosplay, to decide to create the costume. Ninja Theory got in touch with Lilia once they saw the finished outfit and asked about how it was made.

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Lilia said the project is her most detailed costume so far. She began with reference materials that she received from the developers (it never hurts to ask) and got to work last summer. She explains:

This project required all my knowledge as a cosmaker, but as an FX make up artist as well. I created everything from scratch, from the belts to the armour parts (hidden between the fur XD) and the weird head piece!

I used eva foam for the rigid parts, all of them. I usually cut the foam, mould it and paste it with cement. Then I integrate the rest of the pieces, like coins, chains, and even hair.

The dress was a challenge because there’s no fabric of the right colour, the dress (more like a garment) might have been white or light cream coloured, but due to the battles and a fighting existence, dyed with dirt, blood and sweat. So I used a light fabric and then dyed it with several colours.

he head piece was even more difficult to achieve than the dress, because of the high level of detail and texture. I added texture to the foam using paper and glue, a soldering iron and plastic strings.
Even the dreadlocks were attached to the headpiece, made one by one with twisted hair strips and a heat gun, attached with hot silicon.

Read more about the build process at Hellblade’s website.

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via Kotaku, costume photos by Photographes Sans Frontieres

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