NEW PRODUCT – AstroPrint 3D Printing Software for Raspberry Pi – Micro SD card


NEW PRODUCT – AstroPrint 3D Printing Software for Raspberry Pi – Micro SD card

AstroPrint is free, open source software for wirelessly managing 3D printers. It features a mobile friendly user interface that works across multiple devices and screen resolutions.

This makes 3D printing easier to manage, eliminating the need for SD cards or manually controlling via USB. Astroprint also works in the cloud, so you can manage prints anywhere through a web browser!


The AstroPrint software is derived from the OctoPrint project and available for the Raspberry Pi and other Linux boards.

This SD card contains the software needed to get AstroPrint working on your Raspberry Pi Model B, Model B+, or Pi 2. Once you have the SD card, there’s a great learn guide for getting your Rasp Pi working with AstroPrint!


This is just the Micro / SD card, Raspberry Pi and 3D printer and other accessories are not included!

In stock and shipping now!

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  1. Is this card also preconfigured to work with the 2.8 PiTFT board from adafruit? I see the cool little computer that you guys have with astro print and that. Would be nice to have it preconfigured with that too.

  2. Is this card also set up to use the PiTFT screen? I have seen in some of the videos that you have an Astroprint raspberry pi computer with the PiTFT installed so you can use that screen to control the 3D printer. Would be nice if this card was ready for both the Astroprint and PiTFT that you sell. I don’t know how to add the PiTFT files to an image on a card (I’m new to Raspberry Pi). Maybe I don’t understand how this works and it’s not a problem.

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