Concrete words: a journey in 3D printed Gabriel García Márquez work #ArtTuesday

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Thanks so much to Fred for sending in this really interesting installation.

With 50 Mini Compact Makerbot Industries 3D printers and 7000 3D printed words, Colombia Embassy in Spain and Spanish company Telefónica celebrate the Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez. For the realization of the huge installation, Ultra-lab ( has been in charge of the 3D printing part.

When the visitor enters the room where “Travesía por los estados de la palabra” (Journey in the states of the word)
( is installed, he is submerged in a physical metaphor of creation process: 50 3D printers are printing words, and a huge sea of words, made of 7000 printed words from the writer’s books, appears as a casual and poetical discourse. Words out of their grammatical and semantical frameworks have bodies and voices and can interact with visitors.

To make the 3D print part of the project, Ultra-lab has moved in a real manufacture where the 7000 words have been printed in 20 days. This and the 50 3D printers working in real time in an artistic environment was possible thanks to Makerbot Industries technology: the Mini 3D printers communicate wirelessly, the spools of filaments are hidden inside the 3D printer frame and the high stability of the printers was the guarantee of the success of the installation. Finally, an Openscad tool was designed to generate the words to be printed.

Skills and experience from Ultra-lab team has made possible the success of the 3D print part of the project, designed by Think big Factory agency. Visitors will be able to enter in a literary work thanks to a highly concrete and surprising experience.

If you are in Madrid, Travesía is visible from the 27th of February to the 3rd of March in La Casa del lector in Matadero Madrid.

More information:


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