Make a stop motion animations with Raspberry pi and Pi Camera. via
In this resource, you will make your own stop motion animation machine that includes a Raspberry Pi and Pi camera to take pictures with a push button connected to the Pi’s GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) pins to act as a trigger to take the pictures. To achieve this you will connect the camera, and a button with jumper wires to your Pi and write some Python code in order to control them.
By creating a push button stop motion machine with your Raspberry Pi you will learn:
How to setup and use the Raspberry Pi Camera Module
How to connect a button to the GPIO pins on a Raspberry Pi
How to use the Python Picamera library to capture photographs
How to control the camera with a button in python using while loops
How to render a video from the command lineMake your own stop motion animation rig with a push button, using Python Picamera and GPIO.
You can use LEGO to animate a tower being built, figures acting out a scene, or anything else you can think of!
Before booting your Pi, you’ll need to connect the camera.
Locate the camera port next to the Ethernet port.
Lift the tab on the top.
Place the strip in the connector, with the blue side facing the Ethernet port.
While holding the strip in place, push down the tab.
Turn the power on to boot the Pi.
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