Mighty Morphin Power Rangers White Ranger Costume

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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers fans are legion. The franchise has a huge and devoted following with several collectors and cosplayers. There have been several different styles of Power Rangers suits over the years so cosplayers have options. Replica Props Forum (RPF) user alejoloaizam5 focused on making a White Ranger KibaRanger suit. He used pepakura to build the helmet and had a couple of false starts (the first files he had weren’t great and the second set was the wrong helmet) but finally found the right files from PropZone and only spent six hours building it. He used bondo to smooth out imperfections, and then drew the tiger pattern by hand and added wood filler over it.

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After the helmet was completed (and he had to do some creative problem solving that’s worth reading about it), alejoloaizam5 started working on the shield. He drafted his own pattern and covered 6mm EVA foam with a black leatherette fabric. He added gold fabric piping along all the edges and built the center symbol from layers of 4mm EVA foam covered with gold fabric. Once it was done, he made the belt, boots, gloves, and modified a cheap plastic sword to become the White Ranger’s saba.

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See more in progress photos at The RPF.

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