Creating Fake Scars for Cosplay

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You can cosplay for years without having to apply any kind of special makeup. There are plenty of characters who don’t need face paint or prosthetics. That said, it can be fun to challenge yourself to learn new skills – like applying scars. Whether you need to add some scratches to a Lara Croft costume, some deeper scars for a Joker smile, or a zombie bite mark, you can do so with a variety of products. Rigid collodion is a popular choice, particularly this one from Mehron.

The clear liquid has to be applied to dry skin, and it further dries the skin and causes wrinkles. You can create shallow scars or layer the product on thicker to create deep ones. Once your faux scar has the right look, you can apply makeup to make it look like a fresh wound or just to add some further depth to it.

Kisa explains how to apply the product in this video:

As mentioned, the product does dry out your skin so it might not be for those of you with sensitive skin. Wearing the makeup for longer than a day might not be the greatest idea either. Mehron’s site says you can just peel it off when it comes time to remove it, but that’s going to feel like ripping off a Band-Aid. I recommend using spirit gum remover or a special scarring liquid remover.

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See more examples of what rigid collodion can do on Tumblr.

via Cosplay Sleep Eat Play

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1 Comment

  1. Years ago I helped work the Jaycees’ Haunted House. I made really gross scars by squirting a crooked line of RTV on some Saran wrap. Pinch the RTV into jagged ridges. Wait a day for it to set up then paint it, peel off the Saran wrap and spirit glue to your face.

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