Pi-Print: build a cheap bluetooth printer for ugly prints
Quite often during parties, people could use their phone to take not-always-very-artistic pictures. Let’s make a printer these photographs deserve.
Send an image file with bluetooth, and print it!
Mainly inspired by the [ch00f] PrintSnap Instant Camera.
and the Polatherm Instant Camera.
When I saw the Instant camera of [ch00f], I was amazed by the cheap thermal printer. I like the Raspberry Pi, I already use it for another project. It have a serial port, and even an optional camera module.
But wait, we all (nearly) have a camera on our phone, with Bluetooth. Why not make a cheap Bluetooth thermal printer !
Featured Adafruit Product!
Mini Thermal Receipt Printer: Add a mini printer to any microcontroller project with this very cute thermal printer. Thermal printers are also known as receipt printers, they’re what you get when you go to the ATM or grocery store. Now you can embed a little printer of your own into an enclosure. This printer is ideal for interfacing with a microcontroller, you simply need a 3.3V-5V TTL serial output from your microcontroller to print text, barcodes, bitmap graphics, even a QR code! Read more.
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