Adafruit Arduino Libraries Now Available Inside Arduino 1.6.2 IDE

Screenshot from 2015-04-01 14:12:06

Hot on the heels of Arduino’s 1.6.2 IDE release for Arduino Day over the weekend, you can now access all of Adafruit’s Arduino libraries from within the new IDE’s library manager!  To access the libraries you’ll need to use the brand new 1.6.2 version of Arduino’s IDE and simply access the Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries… menu to open the library manager.  Filter to different topics like sensors, displays, etc. or search by name to find libraries and install them with the click of a button.  You can also learn more from this handy guide to using the new library manager too.  There are over 100 Arduino libraries from Adafruit that are now available in the library manager!

If you’re new to using Arduino or an Adafruit product be sure to check out each product’s page in the store or the learning system.  We recommend people go to the learning system guides first when using a product as the guides will help assemble, wire up, and install the software to use a product.  Some products require multiple Arduino libraries to be installed and the product guide will help walk you through installing these dependencies.  When in doubt or if you run into trouble be sure to check the product’s guide!

Also if you’ve written your own Arduino libraries and want to make them available in the new library manager, be sure to check out information from the Arduino team here to see details on the process.

The library manager is brand new and still evolving but so far looks like a great addition to Arduino.  Nice work from all involved!

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  1. David Brandyberry

    Are the Adafruit boards (Gemma, Flora, etc..) available in the 1.6.2 IDE also?

  2. Great question–not yet, but we’re working on it right now and should have a 1.6.x version out in the very near future with support for the Adafruit boards. We’re actually running into some bugs with 1.6.2 so it might not be possible just yet to add Adafruit’s boards, however Arduino released 1.6.3 today to fix some of the problems people are having adding 3rd party boards (can see this thread for more of the gory details if you’re curious:

  3. The adafruit-gfx library is notably missing 😀

  4. Oh thanks for catching that! Looks like it wasn’t picked up because it doesn’t have examples like a normal user-facing library. We’ll get it added to the library manager soon, thanks!

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