Make a stair climbing robot with Actobotics. via instructables
This project uses parts from the Actobotics building system to make a robot that climbs stairs. The main components of the robot are its front leg assembly, back leg, and the means for shifting weight between the two legs. Actobotics channel sliders enable the robot to raise and lower each leg, step each leg forward, and balance itself as it performs these actions.
Here’s what I used:
• Actobotics channel sliders (3) from ServoCity
• 45 rpm precision gearmotors (3) from ServoCity
• electronics to control the motors, including:
• RedBoard and Ardumoto controller from SparkFun Electronics
• HB-25 motor controller from Parallax
• 5k-ohm long-shaft potentiometers (2) and limit switches (2) from Radio Shack
• other Actobotics parts, including:
• gears, pinions, couplers, and bearings to connect the potentiometers to motor output
• various sized aluminum channels, brackets, and small hardware to construct “legs” and “feet”
• extra length of timing belt, 10-ft roll
• channel slider bracket type “A” (2) and type “E” (2)
• 9v batteries (2)
• hook-up wire, breadboard, and cable ties as necessary
• 5-lb barbell to provide counter-weight
Obviously, functionally equivalent parts from different sources may be substituted for any of the above. (For example, an Arduino Uno and the RedBoard are essentially interchangeable. And mechanical connections can be made in whatever way works.) The 45-rpm motors have plenty of torque to do the job but make for a relatively slow robot. Replacing with higher speed motors is possible, but make sure you’ve got enough torque.