Get Mindful With the Hypnos Pendant #WearableWednesday

Oh yeah, it’s another cool project by Alex Glowaski. You may recall her last project–the exciting Tardis Pendant. This time she’s got another fine idea with her Hypnos Pendant that helps you to be mindful with a vibration every 864 seconds. You might wonder why she chose that time. It’s complicated.

There was a brief trend at AHA for measuring time in ke, an ancient Chinese chronological unit. I made a Ke clock in Python, which sits on your Mac desktop, with the help of GeekTool.

Alex decided to use the LightBlue Bean as the controller for her piece. It has BLE and it is small enough for jewelry. She added a vibration motor, as well as a coin cell battery. The tricky part was designing a holder that would allow the vibration to be felt on the skin. In the end, she had a friend help with a 3D printed design with an emblem that stands for curiosity and intellectual exploration.

The most interesting part of the project is what it’s like to wear the pendant.

I wore it for a couple of days, and it was definitely interesting! I noticed myself unintentionally keeping track of how many ke I spent in different situations: seven at a table having dinner with friends; three in a meeting…

There are already wearables on the market for this exact purpose of being aware, but I’m really glad that Alex decided to create a DIY version. Definitely check out her tutorial on, and here’s a little help–our Haptic Vibration Motor. Your mind’s games are over!

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