Build your own arduino powered candy grabber machine‬‏

Awesome project tutorial from MahmoudTolba on instructables!

Simply, this project is a candy grabber machine controlled using Arduino and 1Sheeld via Game pad Shield .

1Sheeld is a platform for Arduino that allows you to tap into your smartphone’s sensors and capabilities and lets you use them in your Arduino projects. Basically, It is a hardware shield that sits on top of your Arduino board and communicates over Bluetooth to this Android app, to transfer data between it and your smartphone.

And in our case i have used Gamepad Shield which is a GUI on my smartphone which has some buttons like PlayStation joystick and connected to Arduino through Bluetooth and i used it control the motors of my machine to catch a candy then put it in the box at the bottom left corner.

I have made this project to participate in Cairo Mini Maker Faire to make children happy and inspire them to use modern technologies especially developing platforms such as Arduino and 1Sheeld to create their toys.

I’ve included all the needed files ( CAD drawings, Circuits schematics and layouts, Arduino codes and Adobe Illustrator files for laser cutter) to help any one to build his own machine.

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