From FastCoExist:
As tomorrow’s global citizens enter higher education with words like “make,” “hack,” and “prototype” embedded in their vocabulary, they are fueling a powerful movement toward “learning by creating.”
Faced with the shifting ambitions of students and changes in institutional funding streams, colleges and universities are embracing “learning by creating,” allowing them to leverage the traditional spirit of an educational community with students’ growing entrepreneurial focus. In response, these institutions are adopting powerful new models to erode the boundaries of historically siloed disciplinary thinking and empower new levels of discovery.
A number of colleges and universities around the world are leading the way as they introduce learning facilities billed as “innovation + incubator + maker centers.” These centers focus on multi-disciplinary inquiry that can foster partnerships with industry and fully leverage available grants and funding for research. Advancing these new models can help universities recruit fresh talent, establish new partnerships for success and promote an environment where emerging leaders can explore the complex social challenges of our time.
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