Via pyimagesearch
Over the past year the PyImageSearch blog has had a lot of popular blog posts. Using k-means clustering to find the dominant colors in an image was (and still is) hugely popular. One of my personal favorites, building a kick-ass mobile document scanner has been the most popular PyImageSearch article for months. And the first (big) tutorial I ever wrote, Hobbits and Histograms, an article on building a simple image search engine, still gets a lot of hits today.
But by far, the most popular post on the PyImageSearch blog is my tutorial on installing OpenCV and Python on your Raspberry Pi 2 and B+. It’s really, really awesome to see the love you and the PyImageSearch readers have for the Raspberry Pi community — and I plan to continue writing more articles about OpenCV + the Raspberry Pi in the future.
Anyway, after I published the Raspberry Pi + OpenCV installation tutorial, many of the comments asked that I continue on and discuss how to access the Raspberry Pi camera using Python and OpenCV.
In this tutorial we’ll be using picamera, which provides a pure Python interface to the camera module. And best of all, I’ll be showing you how to use picamera to capture images in OpenCV format.
Read on to find out how…
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