Destiny Hand Cannon Build

Destiny Hand Cannon build 1

As you might have noticed from all my posts on the topic, cosplay is a little popular. The hobby continues to grow and as more people discover the fun of playing dress up, more prop makers and people who can sew gain business. Some cosplayers craft one hundred percent everything by hand, but others get help in certain departments – with sewing, props, or wigs. That means companies like Zander Brandt’s Zprops stay busy. Brandt makes a variety of props but specializes in weaponry. You can commission him to make a complete piece or purchase resin props and model kits from him so you can do all the finishing work.

One of Brandt’s impressive creations is the Hand Cannon from Destiny. He based his piece on an official reference image released before the game and scaled the gun down from 15.35 inches to 14 inches. He says:

I started off with the front vents, which probably wasn’t the best idea because they are hard to clean up later. Since I cut these on a scroll saw when it was freezing, my cuts weren’t as nice as usual and it shows here and a few other places up front. It got warmer though as I went on and my cuts got better again.

This is probably one of the hardest parts to interpret. Most people think the front hole is larger, and the rest are small. The reality is they get progressively larger as you move towards the front, so I did my best to measure/show that.

Destiny Hand Cannon build 2

Destiny Hand Cannon build 3

Destiny Hand Cannon build 4

See more in progress pictures at Zprops.

via Kotaku, top photos by Impact Props

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