3D print a fully playable ukulele. via instructables
Download and print the latest version of my 3D printed Ukulele design. This instructable will walk you through everything you need to know from printing to tuning of the 3d printed ukulele. This ukulele design has evolved over about a year, to print reliably while providing a finished product with great play-ability and sound. This latest version includes new guides in the 2 piece neck to aid in assembly and for the first time 3D printed tuning pegs. The only non-3d printed parts are the tuners and strings. Join the many who have already printed this soprano Ukulele from all over the world.
What you Need
Required Material
• Access to a 3D printer with a build volume of at least 7 inches by 3 inches and a 6 inch height (11 inch height preferred).
• 1kg of ABS or PLA filament (you end up using over half)
• Standard Guitar Tuners – example link
• Soprano Ukulele Strings – example link
Required Tools – You will need access to the tools below to complete this project.
• Phillips Screw Driver
• 10mm Wrench
• Super Glue
• Sand Paper
Optional Tools – These tools will make the assembly and clean up of your prints easier.
• Pliers
• File
• razor blade / knifeMaterial Selection
Print with ABS or PLA?
ABS sounds better, but it much more difficult to print. ABS has a tendency to crack if the plastic cools too fast. To print with ABS you must have a fully enclosed printer with a heater. If this is your first time printing large pieces or you are printing the 2 piece file I strongly recommend printing with PLA. PLA does not crack and is not sensitive to the rate at which it cools after being printed (no cracking or warping).
Printer Tips:
• If you printing with PLA make sure you have a cooling fan on your part.
• Be careful with your spools and prevent the filament from getting tangled. This can happen when the end is loose and unravels from the spool (when not connected to the printer). Keep the end of the spool tight and secure so it doesn’t unravel (I just use a small piece of masking tape on each spool end).