NEW PRODUCT – Adafruit PiTFT 2.4″ HAT Mini Kit – 320×240 TFT Touchscreen


NEW PRODUCT – Adafruit PiTFT 2.4″ HAT Mini Kit – 320×240 TFT Touchscreen

Is this not the cutest little display for the Raspberry Pi? It features a 2.4″ display with 320×240 16-bit color pixels and a resistive touch overlay. The HAT uses the high speed SPI interface on the Pi and can use the mini display as a console, X window port, displaying images or video etc. Best of all it plugs right in on top!

It’s designed to fit nicely onto the Pi Model A+, B+ or Pi 2.


This design uses the hardware SPI pins (SCK, MOSI, MISO, CE0, CE1) as well as GPIO #25 and #24. All other GPIO are unused. Since we had a tiny bit of space, there’s 5 spots for optional slim tactile switches wired to five GPIOs, that you can use if you want to make a basic user interface. For example, you can use one as a power on/off button.

We have a right-angle 26-pin connector off to the side. You can connect a classic 26-pin Raspberry Pi GPIO cable in order to access the rest of the GPIO through a Cobbler, etc.


To make it super easy for use: we’ve created a custom kernel package based of off Notro’s awesome framebuffer work, so you can install it over your existing Raspbian (or derivative) images in just a few commands.

Each order ships with an assembled HAT with 2.4″ TFT display with resistive touchscreen and a 2×20 female socket header. Some light soldering is required to attach the header but it is easy work for anyone with a soldering iron & solder.Alternatively, you can use a stacking type header instead if you’d like to plug a 2×20 GPIO cable on top


Raspberry Pi, Pi enclosure, 26-pin GPIO cable, tactile switches are not included!

Our tutorial series shows you how to install the software, as well as calibrate the touchscreen, display videos, display images such as from your PiCam and more!

In stock and shipping now!

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