Just posted, a guide to instrumenting the vermin in your life with Adafruit IO or SQLite:
I live in an old, less-than-airtight house not far from the Colorado foothills, and sometimes doors and windows get left open. Mostly this isn’t a problem, as long as you don’t mind the occasional wolf spider, but sometimes (and this is one of those times) there are mice.
Mice are cute, but they’re also disgusting, noisy little disease vectors who steal my popcorn and run all over the counters being gross at three in the morning, so I bought some traps.
As it happens, I also just got an Adafruit IO beta account, and I was curious how hard it’d be to automatically log some concrete data about my mouse problem. Despite a few hiccups, it turns out to work pretty well.
This was a fun project, and the guide + undeniably silly code will likely see some updates as I develop it further. Enjoy!