How to stream PC games to your TV with Raspberry Pi or Pi2. via
Why spend hundreds of quid on a Steam Machine when you can do exactly the same thing with a humble Raspberry Pi? (The B+ is available for $25, which is about £16, at RS Components at the moment, if you’re really on a budget.)
Here are the Possibly Unsafe guys to walk you through setup.I’ve swiped the instructions below from their YouTube channel:
“Setup: You’ll first need to install the latest Rasbian from here:
Next download Limelight Embedded. Grab the latest limelight.jar and from here:…
Make sure that your gaming PC has an NVIDIA GTX 600+ graphics card and GeForce Experience installed.
Pairing: To make things easier, enable SSH on the RPi and tunnel in to the machine. Here are some useful commands:
List compatible PCs java -jar limelight.jar list
Pair with PC java -jar limelight.jar pair PC-IP
Map a controller java -jar limelight.jar map -input /dev/input/eventX
Start streaming java -jar limelight.jar stream -1080/720 -60fps/30fps PC-IP -app Steam -mapping
Make sure to check the Limelight help file in case things have changed since this post!”Possibly Unsafe’s a rather brilliant channel; I’m making their homemade Sriracha chilli sauce just as soon as I can get my hands on enough habaneros. You can support them via their Patreon if you like the things they do.
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