League of Legends Worbla Helmet Tutorial


If you want an excuse to try making armor or anything else from Worbla, crafting one of the many costumes of League of Legends would be a good way to test your mettle. Lotte, also known as Captain Izzy Cosplay, crafted a beautiful Darkflame Shyvana from the game, and used Worbla for the armor and the helmet. She shared a tutorial on DeviantArt showing how the helmet went from foil and painter’s tape to a metallic-looking finished piece. She explains pattern making for Worbla too:

To pattern anything for worbla, including the head, I wrap the intended area in foil and cover the foil with painters tape. For this helmet, I drew the outline onto the tape. To “flatten” the 3D pattern piece, I cut the pattern in half from the nose to the neck along the topside, and I created darts (like the sewing technique) for the rounded shape at the top of the head. Lastly I took the two pattern halves and applied them to EVA foam and worbla, which created the base helmet structure. Most of these seam lines that were created when I connected the worbla pieces were hidden by my helmet’s detail patterns. The others I worked into the design as details.

Read through the entire tutorial at DeviantArt.

The entire Shyvana costume:


Photo by Lexa One Photography

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