Make A Photo Booth Controlled Via Your Smart Phone With #RaspberryPi #piday @Raspberry_Pi

A fun and easy way to take photo booth pictures using your smart phone via

It’s the first week of your new job. You are invited to an induction session, so you step into an unfamilliar room full of new people you will be spending the majority of your time with for the foreseeable future. The HR person pulls out a compact camera and takes aim at you you whilst everyone watches. You suddenly become aware of your gummy smile. You don’t want to smile, but you must. You feel yourself going cockeyed. The flash goes off. You know it’s bad. You want to go again but can’t risk looking vain. You die inside and laugh it off as the camera prays on the next victim.

Of course, you later find out will serve as an avatar attached to every email you send and every intranet post you make for the rest of your days at the agency.

I was tasked with improving this and given free reign to execute it how I wanted.

The Result
The result was a mobile light box with camera controlled entirely via the user’s smartphone. The device interfaces with the IT system to allow any employee to automatically update their photo at any time.

The device is around a Raspberry Pi running a Python application.
Flask, the webserver module is combined with Flask-Socketio to provide a web interface and controller that accesses the Raspberry Pi camera. Using the GPIO pins to control a relay module hooked up to 2 strip lights I was able to create a timed bulb flash.

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