DIY Altoids Solar USB Charger #SolarPower


DIY cheap and simple solar USB charger in an Altoid tin. instructables

I’ve been reading a bunch of blogs this fine Earth Day morning and have noticed that most of them are posting little write ups about green solar powered USB gadget chargers. They’re all quite nice, but also quite expensive. I don’t think I’ve seen any for less than $60, and I’ve not seen one that really suits my style.

Instructables has quite a few guides on how to make Solar USB Chargers, including the very well done guide on how to combine a Lady Ada Minty Boost circuit with a solar + lithium ion battery. Great, but a bit expensive to make and not a very simple project for the weekend DIY person.

Well luckily for us I know how to make one for under $20 that is better in nearly every way and also completely fits into an Altoids Tin. Covert style.

Full tutorial

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