Become a Human Cello With This Paper Speaker #WearableWednesday

What does it feel like to be a cello? Maker Binney decided to create a wearable to investigate calling it This is Not Science. Binney takes an electric cello and connects it to an amp input, which then outputs to a paper speaker and bass shaker in the corset. It’s rad and I can only guess that cello music, which is already so emotional, will probably become tear jerking in this outfit. It would be interesting to wear it while playing a fave cello based movie soundtrack like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

The project starts with a neoprene corset (FYI, neoprene is a thing this year). This fabric has a gentle stretch and tends not to fray much, which means it doesn’t need much in stitching. Then, a paper speaker is made using copper tape in a rectangular spiral and fastened to the corset. A magnet held near the speaker will produce sound, and the only thing needed to enhance the low tones is a bass shaker, which Binney stitches to the corset. There you have it, and with a few alligator clips it’s plug and play!

For more details, check out Binney’s Instructable. Also, if you like the idea of paper speakers, you should definitely check out the work of Hi-Low Tech for more fun examples. You can have fun experimenting with different materials and seeing how well different configurations work. To get started, check out our copper tape. It’s got conductive adhesive and is ready to make your audio come alive. Try something small first, like a playable greeting card. You’ll find other fun tutorials for more paper circuit projects on that page, too. Have fun becoming a paper circuit artist.


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