How to Make a Home Alone Burglar Deterrent

From instructables user diy_bloke:

This might be one of my weirdest projects yet 🙂

But even if you are not interested in keeping burglars away, this project can be used for anything where you need to drive a steppermotor or servo motor, or even several DC motors with an Attiny13.

Most of you will remember the movie Home Alone, where McCauly Calkin tries to pretend to the burglars that in fact he is not home alone, by putting a cardboard figure on a record player and putting strings on another cardboard figure so he can imitate people dancing.

As I am away from home often, I am very conscious about leaving my house behind as if it is still occupied.

For that I earlier published an ‘At home simulator‘ that switches lights in a specific pattern with enough randomness to make it look like someone is present. I added a ‘Fake TV‘ that makes it look like there is a TV playing.

All these things help, but if it comes to simulating presence there is nothing better than actual movement. So I needed something that moved and as I do not have a record player and wanted something that could operate while I was away, I needed something a bit more solid state.

Full instructable

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