“Sponsored programming TV Show” looking for DIY company, wants $19k @TVWWB @kathyireland #makerbusiness

So we get this call from a person in Florida claiming our company was selected to be on a TV show with Kathy Ireland. As we asked more questions eventually the person said it would cost $19,800 as an “investment” and assured us 3 executives from Apple have been on their show, we asked which ones and the person said she “didn’t need to prove anything to us, they’ve been doing this for 20 years”. Any way, while on the phone we googled around and saw a note on RipOff report and some more background information. The person from Florida promised lead generation, and all sorts of things – she hung up on us when we asked for more specific questions of how us spending $19,800 made sense if it was “TV show”. We’re posting this because they said they wanted “DIY companies”, heads up folks.

Worldwide Business with kathy ireland® provides an in-depth opportunity to find solutions from some of the top business leaders across the globe.

Ripoff Report – MMP (USA) inc.
Worldwide Business @Twitter.
Worldwide Business with kathy ireland Television Series Set to Debut Globally on May 17, 2015.
Kathy Ireland Develops TV Show.

Update: 8/17/2015, this came in…

Hi Limor,

I hope this finds you well and enjoying the summer.

I’m contacting you in regard to an opportunity to be featured on our September 26th episode of TALK BUSINESS 360 TV airing nationally on FOX Business Network.

If you’re not the right contact, I’d really appreciate your help in getting this to the right person.

Our TV program spotlights one-on-one interviews and profiles of innovators and provides an affordable platform to communicate your message to an elite business audience (80 million TV subscribers).

We invite you to participate with a video interview presentation (VIP) that we will create or you can provide us with a pre-produced video. To view recent videos, click http://www.talkbiz360.com.

Since we’re on deadline and looking to close out our show quickly, we’re offering a remnant rate of only $3,750 (normally $9,000) for the package listed below, which is phenomenal.

Here is a review of what the package includes:

1. Two-minute segment to air on a September episode of TALK BUSINESS 360 on FOX Business Network available to 80 million TV subscribers.
2. Digital file of video for posting on your website/social media
3. Full reusage rights for promotional purposes. No need to wait until it airs.
4. Rebroadcast on our website
5. “As featured on…” logo for posting on your site

Please reply soon if you’d like more details as space is limited.


Rex Dale
Getaway Places
Clearwind Media, Inc.
310.405.3908 Phone
866.856.8906 Fax
[email protected]

Update – We received these emails asking for this post to be removed

From: “Christopher D cravenz”
Subject: Re: Reminder 2 Re:concerned about defamatory post on your blog
Date: August 5, 2016 at 5:04:24 PM EDT
To: @adafruit.com

Its been more than 7 days past now . I have been emailing you since then and No response have been provided by you . Are you trying to be over smart and giving me no response doesn’t put you away from the consequences .

From: Christopher D cravenz
Date: Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 3:27 PM
Subject: Reminder 1 Fw: Re:concerned about defamatory post on your blog
To: @adafruit.com

What is the expected time to get the repsonse from your end ?

Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2016 at 1:20 AM
From: “Christopher D cravenz”
To: @adafruit.com
Subject: Re:concerned about defamatory post on your blog
To Whom So Ever It May Concern

Admin / Hostmaster ,
I want to bring your concern to a very serious matter . The link


The website which is “blog.adafruit.com” is hosted under you
website contains the content that is defacing my Client’s reputation and affecting his Business and Social Life .

Due to this content The following laws has been violated by your website :

According to Article 17 of the United Nations
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states

1. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to unlawful attacks on his honour and reputation.

2. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

Basis of Liability for Cyber libel

a) Distributor/Publisher Characterizations: One of the most important issues in cyber libel is whether the online service providers, operators of bulletin boards or website owners are common
carriers, distributors or publishers.
b) Publishers, such as newspapers, magazines and broadcasters, are responsible and liable for everything that they produce, post and broadcast. Their liability is grounded in the fact that they can edit what they wish to include and exclude from their publication, be it a newspaper, magazine, television broadcast, website or newsgroup.

As the admin and host of this website you have the privilege to remove the page as soon as possible . So i request you to remove the page “https://blog.adafruit.com/2015/07/07/sponsored-programming-tv-show-looking-for-diy-company-wants-19k-tvwwb-kathyireland-makerbusiness/” as soon as possible,else we will take the required legal action against you .I hope you will understand the seriousness of the matter and take the appropriate step.


Christopher D Cravenz
Legal Consultants Full Service Law
Firm In New York , U.S.A
Street Address : 708 Third Avenue


contactname : Rubin Ferzinger
email address : [email protected]
contact us 2 section : press
useragent string : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36
(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36
message text : To Whom So Ever It May Concern
Admin/Hostmaster ,

I want to bring your concern to a very serious matter . The link

“Sponsored programming TV Show” looking for DIY company, wants $19k @TVWWB @kathyireland #makerbusiness

The website which is “blog.adafruit.com” is hosted under you
website contains the content that is defacing my Client’s reputation and
affecting his Business and Social Life .
I tried contacting the webmaster of the website but there is no response
from them .Please look into this matter.

Due to this content The following laws has been violated by your website :

According to Article 17 of the United Nations
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states

1. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his
privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to unlawful attacks on his
honour and reputation.

2. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such
interference or attacks.

Basis of Liability for Cyber libel

a) Distributor/Publisher Characterizations: One of the most important issues
in cyber libel is whether the online service providers, operators of
bulletin boards or website owners are common
carriers, distributors or publishers.
b) Publishers, such as newspapers, magazines and broadcasters, are
responsible and liable for everything that they produce, post and broadcast.
Their liability is grounded in the fact that they can edit what they wish to
include and exclude from their publication, be it a newspaper, magazine,
television broadcast, website or newsgroup.

As the admin and host of this website you have the privilege to remove the
page as soon as possible . So i request you to remove the page
as soon as possible,else we will take the required legal action against you
.I hope you will understand the seriousness of the matter and take the
appropriate step.


Rubin Ferzinger
Legal Consultants Full Service Law
Firm In New York , U.S.A
Street Address : 708 Third Avenue
Client IP:

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  1. When Cult of Lego was published I was cold-called by a production company asking if I wanted to talk about the book on a TV show, and I said TOTES and they said they would need just a little dough to offset production costs. It might even be the same company, or else it’s a thing. It’s something to watch out for: when you
    create stuff for a living, beware of those who make money off of taking advantage of you.

  2. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

    There is no such thing as a simple business plan for $19,800. You have to look at being in business as a challenge and that is how you go to work every day. It is too competitive and our boss has a warehouse full of products that can’t be sold so that is why business owners are afraid to spend money.

    Our employer won’t do business with individuals anymore because they can’t trust non-companies paying the company back.

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