Ahsoka Tano Costume How-To

Ahsoka Tano Costume 1

Ahsoka Tano wore a few different costumes throughout the course of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and they’re all challenging because regardless of the outfit, there’s the matter of body paint and Togrutan head-tails. Satay made an Ahsoka outfit (her look from the last half of The Clone Wars) to submit to the Rebel Legion and nailed every aspect from the clothing to the makeup. She mostly made the costume by modifying existing pieces but also crafted several pieces from scratch. For the tunic, for example, she found a long-sleeved, high-necked burgundy dress on eBay that was a perfect base. She made cuts and adjustments to make it match Ahsoka’s tunic.

For the leggings, she picked up ones off the rack, made the diamond pattern for the cut-outs, and in order to make sure the diamond shapes stayed sharp on the leggings, she reinforced the holes with coat hangers. The necklace is made from a purchased gold torque necklace and altered with a piece of Worbla. Here are a few in-progress pictures:

Ahsoka Tano Costume 2

Ahsoka Tano Costume 3

Ahsoka Tano Costume 4

More photos and notes on the build at the Rebel Legion forum.

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