The Costumes of Season 5 of Game of Thrones

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Michele Clapton has served as the costume designer on Game of Thrones for the past five seasons. The fifth season was sadly her last on the show. She really used costumes to add to the story and show how characters evolved over time. It’s quite visible in the progression of Daenerys Targaryen’s wardrobe. When we first met Daenerys, she was young and naive and being married off by her brother Viserys. Her path has changed significantly. She grew up, she found her place (well, she’s still finding it), and she’s on the road to the Iron Throne. Clapton has made sure Dany’s clothing matches her personality changes.

For example, in Season 5, Daenerys wears a lot of white. Clapton explained, “Now she’s got this sense of power and also a sense of immortality. I wanted to give this rather untouchable [quality] to her. The idea behind the white and pale grey is the sense of removal, a removal from reality.”

Clapton also wanted to make Dany’s jewelry and accessory choices more aggressive. She wore several statement necklaces over the season, including one shaped like a dragon (pictured below). The idea is that they add an armor-like component to Dany’s ensembles.

Read the complete interview with Clapton at Fashionista.


Photos by Macall B. Polay, courtesy of HBO

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