Urban Greenprint Aims to Mitigate Runoff with Evaporation

This concept is great! From Biomimcry.org:

The current focus of the Urban Greenprint is to generate building design techniques and use of materials that take cues from our local natural ecosystems, including methods of construction that encourage evaporation.

Remember the mist you feel on your face when you walk through a coniferous forest in the rain? The layered and textured canopies of red cedars and other conifers break up big raindrops into fine droplets that readily evaporate. Tree trunks, lichen, and moss hold onto moisture, as does the detritus on the forest floor and the rich organics in the soil itself. Textures, layers, and permeability all contribute to a system that holds water like a sponge until it infiltrates or evaporates.

Read more and check out Urban Greenprint’s site

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