“Technopicnic” is a Solar-Powered Backpack for Picnicking in the City #WearableWednesday

Via ecouterre.

It’d be nice to go take for a picnic in a wildflower-filled meadow with only the birds to listen to, but most people don’t have easy access to that much nature. With that in mind Atelier Teratoma proposes a picnic for the urban nomad, and has created your perfect setup complete with solar panels, speakers and social network connect-ability. Technopicnic is a backpack with everything you need to enjoy your city, spend time with friends, share a meal and connect with your network.

Madrid-based architecture and design studio Atelier Teratoma, led by Eugenio Fernandez + Victor Nouman, came up with the idea for Technopicnic as a way to engage with their city. “Traditionally the picnic is associated with the search of natural environments to share a meal. But what happens when we bring this idea to a context defined by hard pavements, congestion and new ways of communication?” explains the designers on MocoLoco. “What we propose is a collection of prototypes that try to rethink the idea of making a picnic in the urban context. We believe that today the natural setting for a picnic should be the epicenter of the city: the square.”

Technopicnic is worn as a backpack and can be easily carried to the desired location. Upon arrival the unit because a small table complete with cup holders and thermal pillows to sit on. The unit also has a solar panel to charge an included battery, which can be used to power devices via a USB port. Lights on the unit can be customized for a show and a screen displays messages from friends and other users. Technopicnic even has speakers to play music on that could lead to an impromptu dance party. AtelierTeratoma also came up with other options for portable tables and cushions, perhaps for other invited guests to the urban picnic.

Read more.

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