Featured Adafruit Google+ Community Project
(Note: Google+ login required.)
Bruce Lowther shared an in-progress video of the MIDI drum set project he is working on this week in our Community! Looks (and sounds) great so far.
Back in the electronics world again… Working on a MIDI drum set for my daughter. Using #ATMEL #ATMEGA328 and a whole stack of piezo sensors I got ebay.
Serial midi commands are begin sent to ‘Hairless MIDI’ application.
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Featured Community Project from the Adafruit Blog
This week on the blog, we shared @tamberg’s awesome IoT Gauge project!
This Instructable by @tamberg (https://twitter.com/tamberg)
shows how to build a Web-enabled, Arduino-based IoT Gauge with a REST API, and connect it to the IFTTT.com mash-up platform, via the Yaler.net relay service. With the Maker Channel, IFTTT finally supports custom Webhooks, to integrate DIY IoT projects!(read more)
Check out previous Community Corner posts here!
There are people making amazing things around the world, are you one of them? Join Adafruit Community! And check out scores of projects they shared this week after the jump!
Community Corner! Sharing and celebrating the creative community: Show and tell, Ask an Engineer, mailbag, Twitter, Google+, Facebook, “Makers, hackers, artists & engineers. Sharing, learning and celebrating making!