Making Figment for a Dreamfinder Costume

Dreamfinder Figment costume 1

If you’ve ever been on Journey into Imagination at Epcot, chances are good that you recognize Dreamfinder and his dragon Figment. The purple dragon and man appeared in in the first iteration of the ride, but now, only Figment shows up. John of EPBOT has cosplayed as Dreamfinder at least a couple of times, but for his latest outing at Dragon Con, he and his wife Jen decided to craft a Figment for John to carry around and complete the look. They spent seven weeks creating the little dragon, and he’s mostly made from paper mache, plaster, and paper clay.

Jen recently showcased the entire process at her blog, and it’s impressive to watch Figment come together. It all started with a spark, er, cardboard and was built up from there with paper and masking tape. That means the finished prop/creature was pretty lightweight. The sweater was assembled from two separate pieces, and Jen hand-embroidered the “Figment” label on.

There are a few work in progress photos below, but you can read about the complete build process at EPBOT.

Dreamfinder Figment costume 2

Dreamfinder Figment costume 3

Dreamfinder Figment costume 4

Photos via EPBOT

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