A Breadboard for Pebble Smartstrap Lovers #WearableWednesday

Pebble is a hacker’s dream and things have certainly advanced with this watch; it’s popping up in hackathons with people adding on more hardware capabilities, thanks to Pebble’s dev support. Well, Thomas Sarlandie, a Pebbleite himself, posted the files for a handy Wearaboard on Hackster.io. It’s a cyborg wannabe’s dream allowing for easy wearable prototyping with it’s breadboard and smartstrap connector. Two wrist straps hold it neatly in place, which certainly beats the usual duct tape.

The files were designed on AutoDesk Fusion 360, so you can print one if you are 3D handy. Otherwise, Thomas recommends ordering a spiffy one from Shapeways. The smartstrap connector is actually an easy hack from a Pebble Time charging cable. So, it doesn’t take much to start designing. One improvement that Thomas recommends is adding room for a 5V LiPo battery, as well as a 5V up converter. With a C friendly platform and this new prototyping capability, I think many STEAM teachers are going to be jumping to introduce smartwatch design to their students. Another fun watch with hack appeal is the Solder: Time II DIY Watch. It’s got an Atmega 328P microcontroller, a 7×20 LED matrix and a piezo buzzer for some fun sound effects. Isn’t it time you discovered the hoopla about wearables?


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