Over the weekend the annual BrickCon hobbyist Lego convention took place in Seattle, Washington. Below are photos and a few videos of this awesome event. If you’re in the Seattle area in the future I highly recommend checking out BrickCon!
These were some really amazing kinetic sculptures made out of Technics bricks:
And a great ball moving sculpture too:
Civil war & dinosaurs! With Lego anything is possible:
This black pirate ship really stood out and looked great:
‘Commuter flight gone bad’ was one of my favorite builds–great execution of a creative and funny idea:
This Space Needle and Smith Tower build were huge:
Lego was showing off plans for a new corporate office in Denmark:
This Batman build was absolutely gorgeous and constantly attracting a crowd:
Doom monsters!
Micro BrickCon showcased Lego builds that were smaller than typical sets but still incredibly detailed:
There were plenty of shops setup at the convention to sell collectible Lego sets, custom figures, and much more:
No Starch Press had a great booth with all kinds of Lego, maker, and programming books:
Brickstuff was showing off some great products that mixed Lego and electronics. Their kits let you light up a Lego set with LEDs:
These were two fully functional computers built into Lego buildings:
All photos taken by Tony DiCola and released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Oh, no, you got L3-G0 the Lego Artoo with his front foot shell being fixed 🙂